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StolenKids- 4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!

GO TO http://stolenkids-bloggers.blogspot.com/ Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs:

StolenChildhood- 4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!

GO TO http://stolenchildhood-bloggers.blogspot.com/ or

StolenTrust- 4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!

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StolenOyster- 4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker

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Thursday, 30 December 2010

SS Child Kidnapping In Progress..

SS Child Kidnapping In Progress..

Hi,this is being done in YOUR name on the instructions of Secret Courts answerable to NO ONE - making a small fortune on each forced adoption they carry out.

Justice Coates alone postponed the hearing of one kidnapped child for FOUR months on the grounds that her Court had 250 children to place for adoption before they could deal with hearing the case of the 7 year old girl the Courts had kidnapped to groom for forced adoption.

They do this IN YOUR NAME as YOUR Servants - What are YOU doing to bring an end to this barbaric cruelty?

This child is clearly old enough to make up his own mind but 4 men - total strangers dressed intimidatingly in black entered his home and against his will dragged him out of his home immediately before Christmas to force him into care!

I do not believe this can be justified in any civilised Country and I believe our Court system and Social Services are completely out of control and unfit for purpose!

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.
To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids-
4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 
4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
or StolenTrust-
4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
or StolenOyster-
4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
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Sunday, 12 December 2010

The INDIFFERENCE of MOST MPs to children & Family is notable.

The INDIFFERENCE of MOST MPs to children & Family is notable.

John Hemming
Image via Wikipedia
Birmingham Yardley MP John Hemming Lib.Dem. addressed Parliament in November 2006, it is an obscenity to note, as Douglas Carswell MP Tory notes, that only 3 & a half Labour MPs turned up for this debate on education and child care (what exactly half a Labour MP is Douglas Carswell fails to elucidate!)
I do consider that it is absolutely true and correct for Douglas Carswell to criticise Labour in this instance but the paucity of Tory or Lib.Dems. in attendance is hardly less reprehensible.

I would contend we here see how little MPs wish to represent their electorate! One sees as few as 9 of the 650 MPs in the chamber on many an occasion for major defence debates and many will remember that Labour voted on the New Constitution dishonestly portrayed as The Lisbon Treaty, which surrendered what little authority Britain still had to the malign influence and control of The undemocratic unaccountable centralised EU - The vote preceded the 5 days of completely pointless debate in that particularly dishonest scam - further the vote & debate came after the signing of the Treaty!!

In this video clip John Hemmings shows again and again just how abysmal are our Family Courts and their self serving agents yet as we move into 2011 there is absolutely no change for the better and in fact in many aspects it has become worse!

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.
To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids-
4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 
4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
or StolenTrust-
4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
or StolenOyster-
4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
To See The Links Page
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Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Rape, Paedophelia, Abduction, ARE NOT A CLASS ISSUE Nor LOCATION BASED!

Rape, Paedophelia, Abduction, ARE NOT A CLASS ISSUE Nor LOCATION BASED!

Child abuse & rape can be of a stranger kidnapped by a couple with a track record from poor working class background in a mixed relationship

Child abuse can be within an otherwise seemingly normal family in a middle class suburb!

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.
To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids-
4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 
4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
or StolenTrust-
4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
or StolenOyster-
4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
To See The Links Page
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Monday, 6 December 2010

The HORROR of Organised Paedophelia in BELGIUM - DuTroux

The HORROR of Organised Paedophelia in BELGIUM - DuTroux

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'.
To understand the Concept & Services of Stolen????-
where you can help yourself and others: StolenKids-
4 Those losing kids due to 'authorities' ie Forced Adoption & Care!
Or perhaps more suited to YOUR needs: StolenChildhood- 
4 those facing abuse past or present sexual or other!
or StolenTrust-
4 those where or have suffered abuse within a relationship!
or StolenOyster-
4 those who have been abused or raped by a stranger or stalker
To See The Links Page
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Friday, 3 December 2010


Forced Adoptions in Britain
Do social workers target the Poor?
Hope for today's victims of the Secretive Family Courts & their abuse of power:
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